
EFTPOS Transaction Reporting

Instantly understand your card transactions, directly from your Verifone EFTPOS terminal


Daily transaction lists at your fingertips

Access transaction reporting


Print a full days transaction listing from any of the past 14 days

  • Reporting straight from your EFTPOS terminal
  • Transaction lists at your fingertips
  • Quickly get the details for a particular transaction


How it works

Your terminal will print your transaction list with the details for each transaction on your receipt printer.


Reporting is available on every Eftpos NZ terminal free of charge.


Quickly settle cardholder disputes

The easier way to get transaction lists

Check in on how much you’ve put through the terminal that day, or get the details for a particular transaction quickly and easily.
See all completed or current transactions for each terminal without requesting a transaction listing from us.
Get transactions lists for any of the last 14 days.
Makes reconciliation a breeze and helps with addressing discrepancies or cardholder disputes.