Access to Verifone Central is free for Eftpos NZ subscription customers
View your Verifone instore and online transactions in real-time on a single platform
Build and share transaction lists for reporting and reconciliation
Virtual Terminal and Pay By Link help you get paid faster
One place for all your payments
Build and download detailed transaction lists for reporting and reconciliation. Drill down to a particular day, store, EFTPOS terminal or transaction to get exactly the detail you need. Save time with recurring transaction reports delivered straight to your inbox
Download your transaction lists to share with your accountant or bookkeeper, or give them managed access to get the data they need themselves.
Schedule reports
Save time with Report Scheduler and set up a recurring transaction report that gets delivered straight to your inbox.
Anytime, any device
A mobile responsive dashboard means you can see your transactions in real-time from any device. Keep an eye on transaction volume from anywhere.
Unlimited access
There are no limits on the number of users you can add to your organisation on Verifone Central! Assign different roles to different users depending on which tools they need access to.
Integrated payment tools help you get paid faster.
Virtual terminal
Accept card-not-present payments effortlessly with just a web browser. Virtual Terminal enables businesses to take payment over the phone or via mail order seamlessly and securely online.
Get paid faster with secure, flexible payment links. Generate a payment page for a set amount in minutes and then share the unique link via SMS, Live Chat, Email, on invoices, or any other channel you engage with your customers.